How the Spirify® App

will improve your life and your relationships day by day.

1 SpiriDay365

The Daily contributions are the app’s heartbeat and at the same time the heartbeat for your consciously led life. Thoughts, emotions, love, relationships, meaning, fulfilment – everything is explained in a simple manner and combined with appropriate actions and solutions. Reading the short Dailies will activate valuable perspectives, knowledge and skills within you in order to perceive and understand life, people, correlations and solutions.

The Spirify app reminds you of essential correlations and truths every day that will improve your life considerably, while enhancing consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, wisdom and inner peace.

Awareness Training

You can’t improve what you don’t notice. However, something you have never noticed so far may in fact be the long-awaited solution. Our aim is to support you in becoming more and more aware of things that are important and valuable for your life. As your Spirify knowledge increases steadily, your inner observer is growing up, seeing things and understanding correlations that others do not even realize.

The Spirify app develops your perception step by step. You will discover and understand things about yourself, your life and the world you have never realized before. These discoveries will enrich your life.

3 Wisdom Meditations

Even if you have never meditated before, you may have heard about the extremely positive effects on body, mind and soul. We have collected the best calming, strengthening and healing and wisdom meditations gained over more than 30 years of working with meditations. We will gently and carefully introduce you to your chosen topic. Here you will also find written instructions for simple and effective daily meditations.

The Spirify app will show you methods for relaxation, inner peace and clarity, helping you to practice awareness and mindfulness anytime and anywhere. Many meditations are assigned to specific topics, thus you can decide what meditation suits best to your current situation.

4 SpiriPodcast

At times, you may not feel like reading, but more like listening instead. Reading can provide information in a quick and straightforward manner. However, spoken words may be able to give you an inner rhythm and thus connect you to the state of consciousness of the person speaking. With the SpiriPodcast you can listen, relax, understand and meditate at the same time.

The Spirify app provides you an ever-increasing collection of wisdom articles about important topics in life. The audio versions are also ideal to relax before going to sleep.

5 SpiriCards

The app provides more than 200 wisdom and answer cards, including the complete set from the best-selling books »Your Magnetic Heart « and »The 7 Veils of Truth «. Phrase a question about a problem you are currently facing. Tap intuitively on the back of one of the cards. The card will turn around, giving you the answer to your question.

The Spirify app provides all cards in such a way that you can use them as intuitively as the physical card sets you can put on the table.

6 SpiriAnswer

Use the app’s search tool to browse your growing Dailiescollection for answers of current importance to you. The longer you use the app, the more extensive your resources of wisdom will become. Chose a specific keyword to find suitable Dailies, meditations, videos, podcasts and yoga exercises.

Everything is perfectly coordinated to help you gradually expand your fundamental SpiriValues and skills such as stability, wisdom, love, focus and clarity.

7 SpiriYoga

The original idea of yoga is to find paths of knowledge. Unlike many other yoga instructions, SpiriYoga supports your path of knowledge as a priority aim, known as »JnanaYoga« in Hinduism. It is not relevant how much you achieve or how good you are at a specific exercise, but rather how aware you are while exercising. The main focus is not on the athletic aspect, but on the spiritual.

The Spirify app shows you easy and straightforward exercises with tangible positive impact. Depending on your needs, you can improve or stabilize your inner state, reactions, emotional state, clarity or charisma.

8 SpiriChat

Sometimes you may feel like no one really understands you. The reason, however, does not lie within you, but in the fact that every human being has his or her own thoughts, values and aims and only those who are similar fit together. Anyone who likes the Spirify app thinks like you and has similar values. By interacting with this kind of people, you will find purpose and experience joy, feeling accepted and understood.

Through the Spirify app you can communicate with people with a similar heart and mindset. Activate the chat feature to find new contacts and interact with other users that think, feel and live like you.

9 SpiriFriends

Friends are people who share your world and give you unconditional support on your path, as they have similar values and thoughts in life. There are many people like that out there, but it is difficult to find them immediately. Activate the app’s geotagging feature to find people in your neighbourhood who think, feel, act and live like you.

Die Spirify-App verbindet Dich mit Gleichgesinnten. Lasse Dir anzeigen wo der nächste mögliche SpiriFriend gerade ist. Schalte die Funktion auch für Dich selbst frei und zeige anderen, wo Du zu finden bist.

10 SpiriVids

Depending on a specific task, your brain thinks with a certain brain region, while the other regions remain idle. In everyday life, this can lead to one-sided overstrain, which at some point will give you the feeling of being unbalanced. The SpiriVidswill reconnect all elements of your brain and bring you into a state of relaxation very easily – just by listening.

In your Spirify app you will find a growing collection of video clips with background music that we have specifically developed to help you relax and synchronize your brain regions.

11 SpiriBooks

Are you interested in finding out more about a specific topic that concerns you, perhaps even one that provides examples and solutions? Or do you like reading mystery novels with a spiritual background? Then you might be able to find the perfect book with us. Many books written by Ruediger have been best sellers and published in up to 26 languages.

The app will inform you as soon as new books on your favourite topics have been released. Also, in our Dailies, you will find hints on the books that provide further knowledge about a specific topic.

12 SpirifyYourLife Shop

You may have experienced that certain objects in your personal environment are not just meaningless things, instead they have an effect on you and your life. We select every object we live and work with personally and carefully. We are happy to recommend anything that fits well permanently, whereas all the things that do not fit our SpiriWay of Life disappear again.

Through the app you have access to our small shop where we present things that we like. With every product you purchase, you support WWF .

13 SpiriMap

Some places are very special as they touch something inside you. The app’s map feature allows you to tag such SpiriPlaces – either for yourself as a reminder or as a tip for others. Next time you consider where you can go, the SpiriMap will offer you a range of your very personal powerful places, some of which you might have forgotten over time.

Activate the app’s geo-localisation as needed to create your personal map of wonderful places. If you like, you can share these locations with other Spirify app users.